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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Satisfaction:

  • Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) – Effizientes und flexibles Finanzmanagement für Ihr Unternehmen Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) sind Sie bestens gerüstet, um den sich stetig verändernden Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Diese moderne Finanzmanagementlösung von Microsoft ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Finanzmodelle proaktiv zu gestalten, um auf Marktentwicklungen zu reagieren und von ihnen zu profitieren. Nutzen Sie intelligente Prognoselösungen, um den Cashflow zu überwachen und zukünftige Trends zu identifizieren, und verbessern Sie Ihre Margen durch präzise Vorhersagen über die Zahlungseingänge Ihrer Kunden. Überblick über Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) bietet eine Reihe leistungsstarker Werkzeuge, die speziell dafür entwickelt wurden, um Ihre Finanzoperationen zu optimieren. Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen, sparen Sie Zeit bei der Budgeterstellung und verwalten Sie Ihre Finanzgeschäfte flexibel in mehreren Währungen und Einheiten. Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) können Sie Ihre Geschäftsperformance effektiv überwachen und Ihre betrieblichen Arbeitsabläufe durch fundierte Entscheidungen verbessern. Merkmale von Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Finanzplanung und -analyse: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihrer Finanzplanung, Budgetierung und Prognose mit Copilot-gestützten Funktionen, die Ihnen helfen, auf Veränderungen im Markt schnell zu reagieren. Buchhaltung und Finanzabschluss: Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Finanzabschlussprozess und verbessern Sie die Berichterstattung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysen und Automatisierungstools. Steuerverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Steuervorgaben, Steuersätze und Abzüge effizient durch ein einheitliches Steuerdatenmodell, das Ihre Prozesse standardisiert. Angebot zur Barzahlung: Optimieren Sie Ihre Monetarisierungsstrategie mit KI-gestützter Rechnungsstellung, Debitorenbuchhaltung und Inkasso. Bargeldverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Ihre Liquidität mit Hilfe von Predictive Analytics und Cashflow-Prognosen, um jederzeit einen genauen Überblick über Ihre Finanzen zu haben. Geschäftsleistungsmanagement: Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens mit Copilot-unterstützten Selfservice-Finanz- und Betriebsanalysen. Dynamics 365 Finance Operations ✓ Optimierte Finanz- und Betriebsprozesse ✓ Bessere Entscheidungsfindung durch Echtzeit-Datenanalyse ✓ Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Als erfahrener Microsoft Dynamics Partner führt HSO die Lösung mit einem individuell angepassten Implementierungsprozess in Ihrem Unternehmen ein und bietet Ihnen kontinuierlichen Support und Schulungen, damit Sie das volle Potenzial der Plattform ausschöpfen und nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg erzielen. Effizienzsteigerung bei Finanzprozessen Dynamics 365 Finance automatisiert Finanzprozesse und reduziert Fehlerquellen, was zu einer deutlichen Effizienzsteigerung beiträgt. Echtzeit-Finanzanalysen Die Plattform von Microsoft bietet Echtzeit-Daten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, schnelle und fundierte Finanzentscheidungen zu treffen. Verbesserte Liquiditätsplanung Dynamics 365 Finance optimiert den Cashflow, Prognosen und das Liquiditätsmanagement für Unternehmen, um die finanzielle Stabilität sicherzustellen. Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Die Lösung integriert sich nahtlos in Microsoft-Anwendungen und verbessert die Datenverwaltung, sodass Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mühelos skalieren können. Die Funktionen Dynamics 365 Finance Effizienzsteigerung bei Entscheidungsprozessen: Verbessern Sie Ihre Entscheidungsfindung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysefunktionen und fundierten Finanzanalysen. Cashflow-Management: Überwachen Sie Ihren Cashflow kontinuierlich und nutzen Sie fortschrittliche Prognosetools, um aktuelle und zukünftige Trends präzise zu analysieren. Prognosen für zukünftige Kundenzahlungen: Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen und verbessern Sie Ihre Gewinnmargen, indem Sie vorhersagen, wann oder ob Kunden ihre Rechnungen begleichen werden. Effiziente Budgeterstellung: Sparen Sie Zeit und Aufwand mit der intelligenten Budgetvorschlagsfunktion, die historische Daten analysiert, um präzise Budgets zu erstellen. Schneller Abschluss der Finanzbücher: Optimieren Sie Ihr Finanzmanagement durch Unterstützung für mehrere Währungen und Entitäten innerhalb einer einzigen Instanz, und schließen Sie Ihre Bücher zügig ab. Barrierefreie Analysen: Nutzen Sie Self-Service-Analysefunktionen, um fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis konsistenter Daten aus Dynamics 365 und externen Quellen zu treffen. Systemanforderungen Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung, die auf der robusten und skalierbaren Microsoft Azure Plattform betrieben wird. Für eine optimale Leistung sollten die spezifischen Systemanforderungen Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur berücksichtigt werden. Für detaillierte Informationen und eine umfassende Beratung, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt.

    Preis: 1316.55 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 74.40 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 102.59 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 94.64 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 64.28 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 76.57 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 57.06 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 49.83 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 67.90 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 31.76 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 31.76 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
    Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus

    The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud: Optimized for the challenges of digital transformation Our goal is to ensure the continuous protection of data and to support businesses on their journey towards digital transformation, enabling them to operate efficiently. As part of this commitment, we have further optimized Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Brief summary of the changes - User licenses instead of device licenses - High adaptability is ensured by two product tiers - Free protection for 2 mobile devices for each user User-based instead of device-based: User Licenses This user-based approach not only provides the opportunity for cost savings, but also considers the impact of the increase in devices per user on your customers' IT security. Other benefits include: 1. Protects users regardless of where they work 2. Proven protection for remote work and even BYOD 3. Continuous security, even when IT areas are relocated 4. Time savings on device inventory 5. Flexible deployment 6. Improved employee satisfaction User licensing takes into account the fact that organizations don't employ devices, they employ people. High adaptability thanks to two product tiers Another change is the division into two different product tiers. This way, it is easier for customers to get exactly the tailored protection they need. The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (Level 1) A majority of customers already using Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud will move to this tier. The product includes the following: - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model - No web and device control, so your customers won't incur unnecessary expenses due to over-specification The new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus (Level 2) Customers requiring advanced features will migrate to this tier to benefit from: - Encryption Management and Patch Management - Free protection for 2 mobile devices, for each license - Retention of existing web and device control features - Migration cost based on the renewal price of the new Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud user licensing model

    Preis: 38.99 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Satisfaction:

  • How does satisfaction arise?

    Satisfaction arises when an individual's expectations or desires are met or exceeded in a particular situation. It can be influenced by various factors such as personal preferences, past experiences, and the perceived value of the outcome. When individuals feel that their needs and wants have been fulfilled, they are more likely to experience satisfaction. Additionally, positive emotions and a sense of accomplishment can also contribute to feelings of satisfaction.

  • Is satisfaction a feeling?

    Yes, satisfaction is a feeling. It is the emotional state of contentment and fulfillment that arises when a person's desires, needs, or expectations are met. This feeling of satisfaction can come from various sources such as achieving a goal, receiving recognition, or experiencing pleasure. Overall, satisfaction is a positive emotional response that contributes to a person's overall well-being and happiness.

  • Why is satisfaction important?

    Satisfaction is important because it reflects the level of contentment and fulfillment a person experiences in various aspects of their life, such as relationships, work, and personal goals. When individuals are satisfied, they are more likely to have a positive outlook, higher motivation, and improved overall well-being. Additionally, satisfaction can lead to increased productivity, better performance, and stronger relationships with others. Ultimately, satisfaction plays a crucial role in shaping one's quality of life and overall happiness.

  • Can satisfaction foster hatred?

    Yes, satisfaction can foster hatred in certain situations. When one person feels satisfied with their position or success, they may become arrogant or dismissive of others who are less fortunate. This can lead to feelings of resentment and hatred from those who feel marginalized or overlooked. Additionally, if someone feels satisfied with their own beliefs or values, they may develop a sense of superiority and look down upon those who hold different beliefs, leading to animosity and hatred. Overall, satisfaction can sometimes breed contempt and fuel feelings of hatred towards others.

  • What brings you satisfaction?

    I find satisfaction in helping others and making a positive impact in their lives. Whether it's through my work, volunteering, or simply being there for friends and family, knowing that I've made a difference brings me a deep sense of fulfillment. Additionally, achieving personal goals and seeing the results of my hard work also brings me satisfaction. Lastly, finding moments of joy and contentment in everyday experiences, such as spending time in nature or enjoying a good book, brings me a sense of peace and satisfaction.

  • What is anal satisfaction?

    Anal satisfaction refers to the pleasurable sensations and feelings of fulfillment that can be experienced through anal stimulation. This can be achieved through various activities such as anal sex, anal play with toys, or other forms of anal stimulation. It is a highly individual experience and can vary greatly from person to person. Anal satisfaction can be achieved through physical pleasure, emotional connection, or a combination of both.

  • What grade is full satisfaction?

    Full satisfaction is typically considered an A grade. This grade indicates that all requirements have been met and the work is of exceptional quality. It signifies that the individual has exceeded expectations and demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject matter.

  • How does one find satisfaction?

    One can find satisfaction by setting achievable goals and working towards them. It is important to focus on personal growth and self-improvement, as well as finding activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Building strong relationships and connections with others can also contribute to a sense of satisfaction. Ultimately, finding satisfaction involves understanding one's values and priorities, and aligning one's actions with them.

  • What does body satisfaction mean?

    Body satisfaction refers to feeling content and accepting of one's physical appearance and body shape. It involves having a positive body image and feeling comfortable in one's own skin. Body satisfaction is about appreciating and valuing one's body for its abilities and uniqueness, rather than focusing on perceived flaws or societal standards of beauty. It is an important aspect of overall well-being and self-esteem.

  • What does physical satisfaction mean?

    Physical satisfaction refers to the feeling of contentment and pleasure that comes from fulfilling physical needs and desires. This can include the satisfaction of hunger through eating, the pleasure of physical touch, the release of tension through exercise, or the fulfillment of sexual desires. Physical satisfaction is an important aspect of overall well-being and can contribute to a sense of happiness and fulfillment in life.

  • How is customer satisfaction (CS) calculated?

    Customer satisfaction (CS) is typically calculated by collecting feedback from customers through surveys, interviews, or other feedback mechanisms. This feedback is then analyzed and quantified to determine the overall satisfaction level of customers. Common metrics used to calculate CS include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES). These metrics provide a numerical value that represents the level of satisfaction customers have with a product or service.

  • How can customer satisfaction be negative?

    Customer satisfaction can be negative when customers have a poor experience with a product or service. This could be due to various factors such as low quality, poor customer service, or unmet expectations. Negative customer satisfaction can lead to dissatisfaction, complaints, and ultimately, loss of business for the company. It is important for businesses to address and resolve issues that lead to negative customer satisfaction in order to retain customers and maintain a positive reputation.